I returned last week from my most recent venture to the African continent. As mentioned in a previous entry, I had the privilege of travelling with my parents this time. My father, John Corey, has offered extremely valuable insight and help to the project's development. Our time in Africa was very productive, generating a sound plan for moving forward.
In Mozambique, we were able to set up one of four small cages in an already-existing reservoir tank. Once installed, we travelled to the capital city, Maputo, to purchase a few tilapia fingerlings (young tilapia approximately one inch in length). As of yesterday (4 May 2010), they are healthy and eating well. We have devised a plan which will include construction of several concrete tanks on the garden site. The proposed layout will provide great versatility in training and demonstration.
We also reaffirmed our relationship with the National Institute for the Development of Aquaculture and had the privilege of meeting with Mr. Graca Nhatelo, the National Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church (it is the Wesleyan Church which owns the garden site). Mr. Nhatelo stated that the people of Mozambique remain in poverty, because they lack knowledge; they are dying, because they lack knowledge. The knowledge he refers to is practical skills for helping they and their families to live whole lives. We intend to meet part of this need through aquaculture.
I am excited about the plan for the garden site in Mozambique. I believe it will have great benefit in aquaculture skills training and demonstration. I have been telling people that I would like to have one of these farms myself. It would be fun to spend some time there helping to establish the system. However, they are fully capable of carrying out the plan we have left with them. During our visit, garden employees (Mozambicans) were included in the work we did to prepare sketches, build cages, and transport and feed fingerlings. We will provide on-going assistance by correspondence.
I will tell about our experiences in Ghana on another day soon.
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