I'm going back. Though we have not yet confirmed airfare and itinerary, we are planning a return visit to Mozambique in April, this time to help the managers of the Bible college and garden project to set up the fish farm. My parents will travel with me. John Corey (Hartland, NB) has had significant involvement in the planning for this project. His insight and research have been extremely valuable.
John C. and Jim Ross (Halifax, NS) have been compiling information re. fish husbandry and pond design/construction. This 'manual' will be very helpful to the group in Mozambique and will evolve into a resource to be used in all projects that Fish for Hope undertakes.
Further to the Mozambique visit, we intend to make a stopover in Ghana for a few days. Interest has been expressed in aquaculture by the Christian community there. We hope to make an exploratory visit to gather information on the viability of a demonstration aquaculture farm in the region.
This has been an extremely challenging period for me. School (M.Sc. studies) is proving to be very challenging. And then I go and pile an Africa trip on top of it all. Sometimes I feel as though I've bitten off more than I can chew. But this is a calling and I have been thrilled by the involvement of others in the Fish for Hope initiative. John Corey in project planning and research, Jim Ross donating time to compile a manual of fish husbandry and farm management. Ed Montgomery contributing in many ways to the development of the organization (Fish for Hope). Rainbow Net and Rigging has donated a small net pen for use at the garden site. Financial backers and others who believe in this initiative. As I have said earlier, I could not do this alone. Fish for Hope will only succeed through the combined efforts of many. Awesome.
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