I was invited to speak about the work in Africa last Friday at the New Brunswick Community College campus in St. Andrews. I'm always glad to have any opportunity to talk about aquaculture in Africa and the project in DRC, in particular.
A reporter from the Telegraph-Journal attended the seminar and put together an article for the paper this week. A link to the article is here (Telegraph Journal, 11 December 2012).
Fund-raising has been admittedly sluggish. Interestingly, the project resonates with just about everyone that I tell, but it doesn't always translate into a cash contribution. This is a donor-driven initiative. Without the help of financial supporters, the project could fail.
But I'm not settling for that. We will complete the goals, even if it takes longer than the projected two years. I believe this is a correct and effective step in helping to lift families out of poverty in the DRC. My heartfelt gratitude to those who have already donated to this work.
Even though we don't have sufficient funds to continue seminars, Emmanuel Dole continues to work hard in reinvigorating aquaculture in his region by touring to communities that have benefited from aquaculture in the past, hearing their challenges, and offering encouragement. My appreciation for his management skills and motivation continues to grow. I'm thankful to have someone so capable in leadership on the ground.
I think we ( the church) need a new paridigm for "missions" . Projects like this should not be stalled, while we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on mission tourism .
Charles McNair